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STANCIU, Gheorghe

STANCIU, Gheorghe
Image Cogeco Média / Cogeco Média

The daughter Anca Stanciu announces with great regret that her dear beloved father, Mr. Gheorghe Stanciu, had passed away at the age of 89 years old at the General Hospital in Ottawa on Saturday March 2. Words to describe Mr. Gheorghe Stanciu have not been invented yet as they all should be superlatives to the power of infinitum. He was and will remain in the memory of daughter Anca a perfect father and an example of kindness, a gentleman, and an example of a titan for all around him. A REAL MAN, he succeeded to offer to his wife and daughter much more than they could have wished in life. He had been the sun of daughter Anca, and his rays have guided and will guide her throughout her life.

In addition, he leaves behind his brother Dumitru Stanciu and sister-in-law Cristina Stanciu, his niece Corina and nephews Andrei and Niki as well as many relatives and friends. He was predeceased by his wife Rodica Stanciu and his parents Gheorghe and Valeria Stanciu.

A wake will be held between 3 and 5 pm on Saturday, March 9, and the daughter will be present to receive condolences at the Family Room of Les Jardins Du Souvenir Funeral Home located at 75 Fournier Blvd. Fournier, Gatineau.

Funeral service will be held at 11 am on March 11 at the St. Matthew Romanian Orthodox Church (40 Cordova Street, Ottawa), the burial service will take place at Les Jardins Du Souvenir at the Saint-Rédempteur Cemetery (25 Boulevard de la Cité-des-Jeunes, Gatineau, QC J8Y 6X3) and will be followed by a meal at the St Matthew Romanian Church in Ottawa.

May you rest in peace near mom, the one you are THE BEST DAD IN THE WORLD!

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